Friday, March 28, 2008

The Loop Grows

It looks like I was a little hasty in referring to Loopt as an "early adopter" technology in my last post because the company just signed a deal with Verizon, which opens the GPS-enabled social networking device to approximately 65 million customers.

Naturally, we should prepare ourselves for the next round of discussions about our dwindling privacy and how this surely must be the end of the world (again). A fellow blogger, Ben Wright, made an interesting comment about the possibility of end-users publishing their own terms of service that impose privacy rules. I'm not sure how this would work in practice, especially in cases of lost or stolen cell phones where legal notices are not likely to deter stalkers and other such bad guys, but it's good to see innovative ideas applied to the question of privacy.

I just hope we don't have to endure a new era of commercials featuring the Verizon Wireless Guy: "Can you see where I'm at now? Good!"

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